miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017

Modulo 7 Semana 4 - Proyecto Integrador "My life project"

My life project 

Puedes descargar esta actividad completa en formato de Word haciendo click aquí.

1) What are your personal goals?

*Write 2 answers

1.  I want to finish the high school.

2. I want to get a better job.

2) What are your future plans about your studies?

*Write 2 answers

1. I think i will keep studying until i can graduate from the university.

2. I am going to look for a better job or I will look for being a freelancer.

3) What are you going to do to be healthier?

*Write 2 answers

1. I suppose I can make some exercise and running during the mornings.

2. I guess that I will try to have  better choices in my regular diet.

4) Write one goal you wish to achieve in the next five years.

*Write 2 answers

1. I want to lose some weight because I feel a little bit fat

2. I want to build a house because nowadays I am renting an apartment

5) What will you do to achieve that goal?

*Write 1 answer

1.       I think that i am able to make some exersice and i can change the way that I usually eat, because I really love the candies and the softdrinks. But in this case I need to change those habits and I need to eat healthier. And about the house, I suppose that I need to save money to buy a nice land and to build a nice house. Usually I don’t save money and that’s another bad habit that I need to change.

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