martes, 16 de julio de 2030

Prepa en Linea SEP

Bienvenidos a mi blog "Prepa en linea SEP"

La idea principal al crear este blog fue la de apoyar a los compañeros de las nuevas generaciones de la Prepa en Linea SEP a realizar sus actividades de manera correcta.
Cabe destacar que la exposición de los trabajos aquí presentados son simple y llanamente EJEMPLOS y GUÍAS de las actividades que yo mismo he llevado a cabo dentro del desarrollo de mi bachillerato en linea.

Además, la intención más importante por la cual realizo este espacio; es la de construir una comunidad estudiantil que nos sirva de apoyo para cualquier duda o pregunta. Es verdad que la plataforma de la Prepa en Linea SEP nos brinda todas las herramientas para desenvolvernos de manera autodidacta; sin embargo siempre es indispensable la ayuda de algún compañero para aclarar algunas de nuestras dudas.

No obstante, antes de que continúes tu visita por este sitio; te invito a que visualices el siguiente vídeo, el cual nos habla a grandes rasgos de lo que es el Plagio Académico. Es de suma importancia que entiendas que el plagio es una mala práctica que es sancionada dentro de la Prepa en Linea SEP. 

Recuerda que las actividades y trabajos que encontrarás aquí debes tomarlas única y exclusivamente como EJEMPLOS y GUÍAS para realizar tus propias tareas. De hecho, la finalidad del estudio de tu bachillerato es precisamente el desarrollo de tus capacidades intelectuales.

Este blog está realizado con la mejor de las intenciones. Es por ello que no me responsabilizo en lo absoluto acerca del uso de la información que aquí presento.

Nuevamente te doy la bienvenida a mi blog y espero que te sea de utilidad para la realización de tus actividades. ¡Saludos!

miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017

Modulo 7 Semana 4 - Proyecto Integrador "My life project"

My life project 

Puedes descargar esta actividad completa en formato de Word haciendo click aquí.

1) What are your personal goals?

*Write 2 answers

1.  I want to finish the high school.

2. I want to get a better job.

2) What are your future plans about your studies?

*Write 2 answers

1. I think i will keep studying until i can graduate from the university.

2. I am going to look for a better job or I will look for being a freelancer.

3) What are you going to do to be healthier?

*Write 2 answers

1. I suppose I can make some exercise and running during the mornings.

2. I guess that I will try to have  better choices in my regular diet.

4) Write one goal you wish to achieve in the next five years.

*Write 2 answers

1. I want to lose some weight because I feel a little bit fat

2. I want to build a house because nowadays I am renting an apartment

5) What will you do to achieve that goal?

*Write 1 answer

1.       I think that i am able to make some exersice and i can change the way that I usually eat, because I really love the candies and the softdrinks. But in this case I need to change those habits and I need to eat healthier. And about the house, I suppose that I need to save money to buy a nice land and to build a nice house. Usually I don’t save money and that’s another bad habit that I need to change.

Link del audio:

Modulo 7 Semana 3 - What happened?

What happened? 

Puedes descargar esta actividad completa en formato de Power Point haciendo click aquí.

Modulo 7 Semana 3 - Tell me about him/her

Tell me about him/her 

Puedes descargar esta actividad completa en formato de Word haciendo click aquí.

This time I want to write about my friend Enrique, who is a very nice guy and a very good friend of mine. When I met Enrique the first time was in junior high school and we were classmates. On those times we enjoyed playing soccer and basketball. We were very good players because we were the tallest guys in the class. We also liked so much playing videogames outside of the junior high school, I remember that we usually stayed playing for as long as three hours in a row.
We kept being classmates when we passed to high school. I remember that Enrique and me used to play a lot soccer with some other friends and we really had great times! But some day when we were coursing the second degree in the high school, Enrique had to move to Canada, because his parents found a very good job in there. I got so sad because of that.
When Enrique arrived to Canada he started to work in a chicken packaging company and he got in touch with me. I was happy that my best friend called me from Canada. From those times until nowadays everytime that he is able to, he call me and we talk by the telephone for very long times.
I am planning some day to travel to Canada to meet Enrique, and maybe we can play some more basketball in there; but I think in there is much more colder than Mexico.

Modulo 7 Semana 2 - How was it?

How was it? 

Puedes descargar esta actividad completa en formato de Word haciendo click aquí.

Día de la independencia
1.     Who participated in the mexican Independence war?
2.     What was the reason why did this war start?
3.     When did this war finish?
4.     Who was the winner of this war?
5.     What did happen in Mexico when this war finished?

Revolución mexicana
1.     Where did the revolutionaries fight?
2.     What were they fighting for?
3.     How long did this revolution last?
4.     Where did this revolution develop?

5.     Once this war finished, what did happen in this country?